Photography by Mario Azael

“What do I love about her?”
I love how strong she is: How she is deeply rooted in her family, yet is wildly independent. I love how she keeps me grounded.
I love her smile and the sound of her laugh: How genuine it is even to strangers, and how beautiful it is to me. It makes my day.
I love her words: How she is full of wisdom and good intent. I have never met anyone as insightful as she.
I love her silence: How comforting it is and how it says so much.
I love her hair, her eyes, the way she moves, and her simplicity. I love her wit, her poetry, her songs, and her guilty pleasures.
I love her flaws: How she grows fat on holidays, the way she snorts when she laughs, and her oddly cute mannerisms. I love how she hates me on a bad day.
But most of all, I love how she loves God above all. With that, she makes me want to be a better man.



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