Photography by NewFocus Photos

         I knew this day would come.
        It started as a tremble ------- a tremble deep within the earth that begged to be heard. To be felt. In the darkness, I could sense the fear of my fellows resonating through my own. It was infectious, and there was nothing we could do about it.
        It should only be accepted. It should only be felt.
        Then it began. Thunder clapped, and the rain fell as heavily as stone thrown at an adulterer. Every beat hurt, and all there is to do is to let go. The flood was murderous, and we were only under gravity’s mercy. Even she didn’t give any.
        Such betrayal was all it took, and the screams ------- oh, the screams of my fellows, pierced sharply in my ears. Each one brought here by their own circumstances: their own transportation, deposition, and crystallization, only to reach this ultimate end.
        Then we started falling. Rolling along the slope all at once, gathering more mud and filth on the way. Falling.
        You know how they say that your whole life flashes before your eyes when you die? Well it doesn’t. You only see the important parts. Most of all, you only see the people you love.
        I am Limestone, and this is how I die.  
*           *           *
         Like the magma’s heat, I was conceived by my parents’ passion to start a family, and as time passed by, I was solidified and born. As a limestone, I was brought up at sea  ------- a sea which mirrors my parents’ firm, yet reassuring upbringing. Stormy at times, but it would finally pass, and we will realize that the calming waves and the breeze’s resounding hum were worth staying for. Then, we would hang at the beach just a little longer.
        Then when you least expect it, weathering began. It was more than just the wind, rain, and flood that resulted to my erosion. No, it was something far greater than that. It was my favorite uncle’s death, my parents’ alleged divorce, my best friend’s betrayal; my father’s job loss, my beloved mother’s sickness, and my involuntary solitude that started to break this hard rock bit by bit.
          I was transported. I drifted away from the people who care, and the people I love. I went far. Yes, very far away than the person I once was. Gone was the jolly, chubby little fella who was everything in bright light. Reality’s gray clouds dimmed that glow away.
        I wished I could go back in time and not let my innocence shed. But I couldn’t, so I waited.

*          *          *
        Then this is what I got.
        When I finally achieved the prism of emotional enlightenment, mass wasting was just going to steal it away from me. I have regrets, and all I could do was dream what would have happened if I made different compromises. Different choices.
        Then it hit me. Right to the head. Darkness.
        I die.

*          *          *
          Grace found me.
          I awoke by some sort of miracle. I was at the base of a mountain, right next to the sea. I had no idea when or how long I was passed out. No matter how hard and no matter how far, I was brought back home.
          The storm had already passed: Dark clouds were hidden behind great light. The sky was a never ending tapestry of pink and orange, and seagulls skimmed over the east. I have never seen anything so perfect. So peaceful. It was a sign.
        God gave me another chance. I could’ve been broken down worse that night, but I wasn’t. In fact, I was transformed and I felt more significant.  I realized that everything that happened in my life so far was a preparation for this moment, for this time.
        I am Limestone, and I am destined for greatness. No building boasted by mankind could have been erected without me and my kind. We are the foundation of the richest civilization to ever set foot on this earth. Yes, that’s how it always will be. This is my purpose in life.

        And this is how I live.

DISCLAIMER: This was actually just a creative paper for our Geology class, so yeah, don't take this thing too seriously. :D


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