Artwork by Jakub Kujawa

          “How can peace and hopelessness exist at the same time?” One might consider. But come to think of it, these two are actually the fundamentals of a person’s sanity: How he perceives things, processes them, then how he definitely acts upon them. One cannot exist without the other. One cannot understand the beauty of peace in the absence of fear.
          The human mind is a world in itself: We build cities of dreams, bridges of our most relevant memories then, walls to protect them. We populate its entirety with the choices we have made, slowly growing, maturing. It’s just like how humanity works: With each one, whether good or bad, affecting the other.  We are subjected to this constant push –and – pull: The desire to let others into our minds’ deepest recesses. The desire to let them share with the things our very own hands have built. Seldom do we allow them, but when we do, we are vulnerable to the extent of risking it all, the risk of losing it all.

          Our mind is a world in its own right, a world that is, in fact, the greatest paradox of all.


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