New Year's Resolution in April

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1. FOCUS. On what actually matters: Your academic goals, your dreams, your identity (which wasn't easy getting last 2015), friends, family, and faith.
2. You finally know your identity, DON'T LOSE IT. This might sound cliche, but yeah.
You know your aspirations, your limitations,and the things that actually make you happy. Please, for the love of ------ keep them.
3. Help those in need. Remember the people who stood by you last 2015: The people who went for you at 2AM, the people who carried you on their backs, and as hard as it may be to admit ------- the people who gave you that slap in the face. Try and do the same for them.
4. Keep writing. About anything. Any time. Anywhere.
5. Remember to keep an open mind. The adage "Everything happens for a reason" is a classic, for a reason. Being calm and choosing to be happy is not a sign of ignorance, it's a sign of maturity.
6. Don't regret anything  from 2015. It already happened. Remember that first guy who broke your heart? Remember those haunted nights while he was sound asleep? Remember those missed opportunities and how it fucked up your priorities?
It just took you this long to realize, YES YOU REGRET HIM, but not what happened. Sure, grades matter as it may dictate your future, but it's your character that you actually carry with you.
You lose some, you gain more: You grew up (you thought you had), you found genuine friends, you learned self - value, the value of others,  and  that kindness is never overrated.
7. Move forward. Or maybe you don't have to. Maybe you have to wait for some things even if recent timing said otherwise. Are you making a total fool of yourself? Probably. Would it hurt? Yet again. But it shouldn't, because it should be the only thing that doesn't sting. From this, you learn that love is indeed, selfless. You just learned the hard way.
And when a guy gives you the love you oh so freely gave the other, let it be. You are a beautiful, compassionate, and incredible human being. You deserve to be treated as such.
And when he comes back, and you still feel the same, you know what to do.


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