Don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re too desperate for love.
Hypocrisy aside, isn’t it the only thing that keeps us going?
It is the reason why a mother still loves the unborn child in her womb. It is why a father would take on that graveyard shift. It is why your brother gives you that last slice of pizza, or why your closest friend would listen to that same story for the nth time.  It makes him pursue you against the odds.
It is why a poet writes, a musician sings, and an artist worships canvas. It fuels an engineer’s machines, a doctor’s selflessness, a teacher’s wisdom, and a barista’s caffeine. It verifies a minister’s righteousness, and justifies a criminal’s greed.  
It makes a wanderer climb the coldest mountains, and the patient, stay. It is why a geographer would trace the crevices of the earth, or why an astronomer would connect the patterns of the galaxies.

It sees the beauty in the wicked, the chance in the undeserving, and the heart in the unforgiving.

Don’t let anyone tell you you’re too desperate for love ------- most especially when you love for all the right reasons.


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