Photo by Allie - woo

"An army wins over the battle 
but a writer wins over the heart."

"A foolish man loves he who sets fire 
to the castles he had built."

"It just occurred to me that I may not be made out of the best material, 
          but I sure am made out of the strongest one." 

"That's what missing someone does: 
You still cling on to their shadow, 
even when it scares. Even when it breaks your brittle soul."

"Do you know what the worst part of missing someone is?
When you can't do anything about it."

"I don't mind if people say you're too much: Too thin, too fat, too emotional, or 
too rigid. I don't mind if they think you're too broken, too proud, too stupid, 
too vain, or too holy. I SIMPLY DON'T CARE. 
All that matters is how you treat me. 
No metaphors needed."

"It sees the beauty in the wicked, the chance in the undeserving,
and the heart in the unforgiving. That's what love is."

"The adage 'Everything happens for a reason' 
is a classic ---- for a reason."


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