
Showing posts from 2016

I miss the person that I was: The person who lost herself when she loved you.

HALLELUJAH by Jeff Buckley

I think of your hands and how they must constantly ache terribly to reach out and touch the one you've fallen in love with and cannot have. - S.L. Gray

I, Paradox by E.M.B.

I loved you too much. I loved you just how a moth is drawn to a flame. Even if it kills me. Even when it burns. Then you only blew the light out.

Maturity comes at a cost: losing you, finding me.

I hope someone will love me as much as I loved you.

Just how paper craves ink, so does my tongue crave poetry.

SPOTLIGHT: Wiping the Moral Scum, Clean

On Battling Depression

An Ode to Repeat

I Found "That" Love and I Let it Go. Here's Why: